#HashOut: Volunteerism in OKC
Koch Communications continues its #HashOut social media series with Volunteerism in OKC, at noon on June 29.
#HashOut is a monthly social media gathering, and this month we are talking about volunteerism in Oklahoma. Examples of questions we plan to ask include: How do you hear about volunteer opportunities in OKC? How do people take the next step in volunteering, i.e., becoming a committee or board member?
12 p.m. – 1 p.m. Thursday, June 29 on Twitter. Follow @kochcomm and use the #HashOut hashtag.
#HashOut, an hour-long Twitter event, engages experts and active social media users in a wide-ranging discussion on the issues surrounding one major subject. #HashOut presents these subjects in an open forum to elicit supportive discussions and positive outcomes.
Nonprofit organizations; volunteer-driven organizations; professional groups; local, regional and national companies; OKC enthusiasts; and anyone who wants to make a difference in our community.
We host #HashOut once a month. To get the digest from the conversation, and hear about upcoming topics so you can participate, sign up with the form on the right.