Hey Google: Where’s the Nearest _____________?


Google doesn’t own the internet, but it basically runs it. The world’s largest search engine powers 73% of all searches on the planet (including 81% on mobile) which, to be frank, dwarfs other search engines like Bing, Yahoo and the rest. (We’re looking at you, Ask Jeeves.)

With such command of the search engine market, it’s no wonder you want your business or organization to be visible. Enter Google My Business. This free function allows you to reach and engage local customers across Google platforms through a variety of tools to update your business profile.

Establishing your business, verifying and optimizing your listing through Google My Business is a crucial part of becoming visible on the world’s largest search engine, and the first step in managing your local SEO. The platform allows you to update your profile with key information like business hours, address, contact information and more. Additionally, you can draw the interest of new customers through photos of your business, create conversations through reviews and assist in the customer experience with frequently asked questions.


With the application of a Google My Business strategy, one of our clients was able to gain valuable customer feedback that led to the removal of a particular food item from their dining menu. Through the Google My Business platform, we were able to create constructive conversations with their customers about the dining menu and offer insights and recommendations to the client.

The benefits of updating and actively managing your Google My Business page are vast. It’s an opportunity to make your business more visible through accurate and up-to-date information, provide another channel of communication for your customers, allow you to gain valuable customer insights like search destinations and customer actions through website traffic and audience tracking, all for the low price of free.

If you just can’t get enough, download our guide to Google My Business. To learn more about how Koch Comm can help you become a Google wizard, give us a holler.