10 Tips: Take Your Photos to the Next Level

Practical steps you can take to becoming a photography pro.

You did it! After watching every video review and reading every blog, you’ve finally found that perfect piece of equipment meant for your hands. So, you went out and bought yourself a new camera – one with a little more oomph and power – or maybe you dropped a cool grand on the newest iPhone and you’re ready to set Instagram on fire. But suddenly – you’re flooded with dozens of questions, doubts and the sheer terrifying thought, “Do I know how to actually take a great photo?”

Focus on our best secrets.

Good news: you’re not alone. We’ve all struggled with the challenge of taking quality shots. Instagram can be great place to get inspiration. It’s full of great photographers posting amazing and effortless photos. But couple that with creating perfect inspirational content and constantly measuring “likes,” and it can become maddening. However, don’t let that interfere with the creativity and enjoyment of photography. Maybe you aren’t looking to grow your follower count, but want to expand your small business by shooting some high-end photos of your products.

We’ve compiled our top 10 tips to help you achieve photo success with a handy downloadable to take with you in the field. Check out our top three, then make sure to download our complete list.

Tip One: Expose and Focus, Then Frame

Once you’ve set your photo location, the first thing to do is set your exposure. This, of course, is variable because locations and lighting conditions will change. Ultimately, if you’ll be in an environment with semi-consistent lighting, set your exposure first, then frame your shot.

Tip Two: Rotate the Camera

DSLRs or even mirrorless cameras are laid out to make it easy to snap landscape photos. It’s the traditional medium we are accustomed to seeing, offering a wider viewpoint and a level of comfort. However, we live in a world full of mobile content, so our materials must reflect. When snapping photos, rotate your camera and capture an image in both styles for more ways to deliver.

Tip Three: Change Your Perspective

Seeing the world through our own lens allows us to show ourselves and others a distinct worldview. Sometimes it’s a breathtaking destination and other times, it’s a familiar object or location from a different perspective. Experiment by taking photos from your hip, laying on the ground or turning your camera upside down.