#Hashout: Back to School

Koch Communications continues its social media series with our special Back to School #HashOut at 12:30 p.m. Aug. 31.

WHAT: #HashOut is a monthly social media gathering and this month we will celebrate the start of a new school year! Starting back to school can be tough for kids, parents and educators alike, so we plan to discuss not only tips and tricks for parents, but also the state of education in Oklahoma and what we can do to help. What are your tips for starting the school year on the right foot? As a working parent, how do you balance going back to school with your job? How does your child individualize their uniform? Do you feel year-round school has been beneficial? What are some positive solutions to lack of public funding?

WHEN AND WHERE: 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 31 on Twitter. Follow @kochcomm and use the #HashOut hashtag.

WHY: #HashOut, an hourlong Twitter event, engages experts and active social media users in a wide-ranging discussion on the issues surrounding one major subject. #HashOut presents these subjects in an open forum to elicit supportive discussions and positive outcomes. For a more in-depth look at #HashOut, check out our blog post here.

WHO: Anyone who has a child in school, works in the education system or simply wants to find out what they can do to help the state of education in Oklahoma.


We host #HashOut once a month. Get the digest from the conversation, and hear about upcoming topics so you can participate. Sign up in the sidebar.